Featured Stock Animation
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The videos provided here are for use on a single case and may not be copied, altered or redistributed in any form. Unlimited use, non-case specific versions of the videos are available.
CAF1 Cervical Fusion C3-C6 Anterior
CAF2 Cervical Fusion C6-C7 Anterior
CAF3 Cervical Fusion C34/C5-7 Anterior
BV01 Arterial Dissection Blood Clot
B01 Bowel Puncture
BR1 Traumatic Brain Injury (Diffuse Axonal)
AE1 Elbow Fracture Surgery
LH1 Hamstring Repair
LA1 Leg Amputation
FL1 Leg Fracture Distal Femur
FL2 Leg Fracture Midshaft Femur
FL3 Leg Fracture Distal Femur (Comminuted)
LFP1 Lumbar Fusion L5S1 Posterior
(Sextant Towers) - $795
LFP2 Lumbar Fusion L5S1 Posterior
(Laminectomy) - $795
LFP3 Lumbar Fusion L5S1 Posterior
(Hemilaminotomy) - $795
LFA1 Lumbar Fusion L5S1 Anterior
TOS1 Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
UO1 Ulcer Debridement
UO2 Ulcer Excision Myocutatneous Flap
UC1 Urethral Rupture (Male)
UC2 Urethral Catheterization (Male)
OK1 Occupant Kinematic Front Collision
OK2 Occupant Kinematics w/Injury
RZ1 Radio Frequency Rhizotomy
WRC1 Whiplash Rear Collision Low Speed
RC1 Rotator Cuff Repair
WRC2 Whiplash Rear Collision Moderate Speed
ESI1 Epidural Steroid Injection
FA01 Ankle Drain
Custom Traumatic Brain Injury
Contact for custom pricing